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What people are saying

This book was so interesting and entertaining - every single page. A very satisfying read

So honest and will be such a mirror for so many struggling with image issues

I could not put this book down. It was so easy to read, yet serious and complex at the same time
There are several generations living with back-bending piles of shame and riddled with secrets who will be amazed when they see them exposed in this story - L.A
In what I can only describe as a type of high-speed police chase, this book proves that God will stop at nothing to heal anyone of anything - J.M
So much of what Tracy went through resonated with me as I only see flaws when I look in the mirror. It is fascinating, informative and educational, but most importantly, shares the solutions to overcome - Anon
'My Face and God' is a page turner and so full of twists and turns, you never know what's coming next. I also love how it shows how interconnected body, soul and spirit issues are - S.S
This beautifully written book very clearly maps a way forward to a strong healthy Christian lifestyle complete with the delays, confusion, misunderstandings of God and the importance of spiritual disciplines and trust - C.M
A much needed book for a deeply wounded and confused society, where years of religion has failed them and left so many feeling so empty and disappointed - J.W
contact info
For general enquiries and speaking invitations (God's Truth on Beauty), contact Tracy on the email address below;
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